Home of Onyx Server
DnD Networks has migrated to their own dedicated server. This could bring some instability in the system during august. please report any issues using the help desk.
DnD team is currently working on a new project: Onyx Lite. More infos soon.
This FAQ has been created using your most common questions. Hopefully, it will help you if you get stuck. Otherwise, contact our support.
1. How can I know that my Onyx is up to date ?
First of all, you need to get your current version of Onyx. You can get it from the log file in the logs directory. Open it and you should see the version in the top ONYX_VERSION:3.x.x.
Then you have two options to check if you are up to date.
- You can go to check the Modul'Onyx and take a look to the latest release version.
- In the log file, in the (CheckVersion) thread, you will have a message telling that your Onyx is obsolete if you are not up to date.