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FS#355 - Condition handling must be refactored on client side

Attached to Project: LMS
Opened by Guillaume (Guillaume) - Thursday, 26 April 2012, 09:54 GMT
Last edited by Guillaume (Guillaume) - Friday, 08 March 2013, 14:14 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Status New
Assigned To Guillaume (Guillaume)
Operating System All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version alpha4
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 0
Private No


The condition (State condition) are not well handled on client side.

1) Some objects are never released : lobeo.uitoolkit.WTKClient.prototype.removeActiveStateConditionis never called for instance.

2) only one client instance of a same server side condition must be created (to be able to use the remove attribute action (the key is the condition))
This task depends upon
