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FS#229 - WebToolkit module reorganization

Attached to Project: LMS
Opened by Guillaume (Guillaume) - Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 14:49 GMT
Last edited by Guillaume (Guillaume) - Monday, 05 December 2011, 15:58 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Status Closed
Assigned To Guillaume (Guillaume)
Operating System All
Severity Medium
Priority Urgent
Reported Version alpha1
Due in Version alpha3
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No



Reorganize the webtoolkit in several bundles:

- WebToolkitCore(JAR) :
. Component Abstract class
. Attribute Abstract class
. State Abstract class
. Operation manager -> handle and process operations on components
. CSS engine -> handle CSS file and compile them in a JS file
. Plugin manager -> handle new component/attribute/state
. Application manager -> manage the applications created by the toolkit
. ...

- WebToolkitHTTPAccess(JAR):
. servlet abstract implementation (ajax / push / upload servlets)
. BrowerInstance implementation: each browser instance has a server side object instantiated which is called BrowserInstance
. convert operations into a JSON to be able to send it to the client browser.

- BrowserChannel(JAR):
. handle the communication between the client browser instance and the server browser instance.

- Launcher(WAR): (maybe call it app to have the url like that : http://www.lobeo.com/app/...)
. implements all abstract servlets
. Init servlet -> use to access the application (entry-point)
. web.xml

This task depends upon

Closed by  Guillaume (Guillaume)
Monday, 05 December 2011, 15:58 GMT
Reason for closing:  Implemented
